UK Complaints Handling Policy
Our commitment to you
At Barings all of our clients are important to us, and we believe you have the right to a fair, swift and courteous service at all times. However, if you have a cause for a complaint, please contact our Complaint Officer by using one of the following options:
Telephone: +44 (0) 2076286000
Writing to us directly at:
London Compliance Monitoring
20 Old Bailey
London EC4M 7BF
Responding to your complaint
The complaint will be investigated internally, thoroughly, impartially and fairly. Barings will send a prompt written acknowledgement providing reassurance that the firm has received the complaint and is dealing with it.
Barings will endeavour to investigate a complaint and to provide a final response to the complainant promptly and in any event to resolve it within 8 weeks from the date of the receipt of the complaint.
If after 8 weeks Barings are still not in a position to resolve the complaint, it will write to the complainant explaining why the matter remains unresolved, advise when they can expect a final response, and advise that the complainant may be eligible to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service (‘FOS’).
Unhappy with the outcome?
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the final response they have received (at any stage of the process), they may take their complaint to the FOS within 6 months of receiving the final response from Barings, by visiting the FOS website and submitting an online complaint form or calling the FOS helpline on 0800 023 4567.
This document is issued by Baring Asset Management Limited (FRN: 170601), and Baring Fund Managers Limited (FRN 119187), at 20 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7BF. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.