Summer Internship Program

August 2022 – 5 min read

The Barings internship program is a global opportunity for university-age students to apply their classroom learning and gain valuable professional experience. Following formal training, interns support their teams by contributing value-add work throughout their summer experience.

KarlaRivera.jpgKarla Rivera

Private Equity & Real Assets—United States

When you first arrived at Barings, what stood out?

The culture was the first thing that stood out to me. I love how collaborative the team was. No matter your job title, everyone was given the chance to voice their own opinions. Everyone was open to discussions and questions which created a great learning environment for me.

What makes the Barings internship program unique or different to others?

The work I was given actually mattered to the work the team was doing. My work and projects were actually utilized in the investment decision processes. This gave my internship a sense of purpose.

Describe Barings in three words.

Collaborative, innovative and diligent.

“I really enjoyed my whole internship experience here at Barings, and was given so many opportunities to learn and grow in my professional development. I also formed wonderful relationships with my team, and am excited to continue fostering these connections.”

PeterBlust.jpgPeter Blust

Information Architecture—United States

What makes the Barings internship program unique or different to others?

From my perspective, I had an amazing team that was willing to teach me. Coming in as interns we don’t know a lot, but the team gave me real work to do anyway. This was very intimidating at first but the support I got from my team helped me learn quickly—and I felt the tasks they asked me to do were not as difficult knowing I had a great team that was supporting and guiding me.

Describe Barings in three words.

Supportive, positive and welcoming.

“Barings backs-up what they say. It is a very supportive culture that allows people to grow and learn.”

SophieThumfart.jpgSophie Thumfart

Equities—United Kingdom

When you first arrived at Barings, what stood out?

How willing everyone is to take time out of their busy schedules to talk to us interns individually, tell us about their career and offer advice. I think we all picked up on this and hugely appreciate their insights.

What makes the Barings internship program unique or different to others?

Despite being assigned to a team, there are plenty of opportunities to find out more about other parts of the business and other asset classes through Lunch & Learn sessions, Fireside chats and more intimate networking opportunities. The Campus Recruiting team has been very engaging, organizing many events and always being in touch with us from around the world.

HallieGardham.jpgHallie Gardham

High Yield—United States

When you first arrived at Barings, what stood out?

The culture—I appreciate that the environment is collegial yet still high-performing and competitive. The team I’m working in this summer pushes me to go out of my comfort zone by creating an environment where it’s “safe” to do so. I think this has allowed me to gain the most out of my experience.

Describe Barings in three words.

Welcoming, collegial and authentic.

“During my time at Barings, I’ve felt like a value-add to my team even though I’m the most junior member.”

FilipOlofsson.jpgFilip Olofsson

European Private Finance—United Kingdom

When you first arrived at Barings, what stood out?

The people! Everyone, including Devon and Colby, was extremely welcoming right from the start and has made sure the internship experience has been better than I ever could’ve wished.

What makes the Barings internship program unique or different to others?

The combination of the constant learning through the exceptional training and the firm-wide Lunch & Learns, and the many opportunities to connect with people around the firm, is definitely making it a special experience.

Describe Barings in three words.

Inclusive, industry-leading and fun.

“The experience thus far has been way above my expectations, mostly thanks to the amount of learning I’ve been given and the firm’s great culture.”

ReneeWilliams-Aibangbee.jpgRenee Williams-Aibangbee

Human Resources/Talent Acquisition—United Kingdom

When you first arrived at Barings, what stood out?

My expectation was that given the size, scale and success of the organization globally, most people would be too busy for me and have tight schedules. However, at Barings, everyone, no matter their role or level of seniority makes time to talk and support you.

What makes the Barings internship program unique or different to others?

I believe the unique thing about the Barings Internship program, is that it has been designed with young talent in mind. To elaborate, there is a vast range of activities and initiatives open to all interns, which all speak to a diverse range of interests and motivations. For example, there is a wide range of social activities and external opportunities available to us from basketball to language clubs to networking events.

Describe Barings in three words.

Engaging, collaborative and people-orientated.

“This has been a phenomenal experience where I’ve contributed to solving real business issues and had valuable exposure to inspirational leaders.”

AubreyBagdonas.jpgAubrey Bagdonas

Private Placements—United States

When you first arrived at Barings, what stood out?

When I first arrived at Barings, I was impressed by the time people from all levels of the company took to welcome the interns. We were given the opportunity to listen and ask questions to many professionals in the company which helped me learn a lot about Barings.

“I am very grateful for my time at Barings because of the opportunity I had to expand both my analytical skills and network of business professionals.”

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