Side Pocket Arrangement for the Barings Eastern Europe Fund

Barings Eastern Europe Fund (the “Fund”) was suspended on 1 March 2022 due to the effects of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, including, but not limited to, restrictions in the markets in which the investments of the Fund were listed or dealt and issues with the availability of reliable valuations of Fund assets.

Given that there is currently no likely end in sight for the conflict, global sanctions imposed on Russia have severely hindered any near-term prospect for the market to return to normality and for the Fund to re-open. In light of this, Barings is seeking a side pocket solution to re-establish a degree of liquidity for the Fund.

For details of the arrangement and expected side pocket date, please refer to the documents below.

Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Unitholders

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any queries in relation to the side pocket arrangement, please contact your client service representative at Barings or send an email to