Investment Grade

Corporate Credit

A corporate credit strategy that seeks to efficiently identify undervalued securities within a client driven opportunity set through robust credit underwriting and risk management.


$ 1,96 billion as of March 31, 2024

Inception Date


Vehicle Types

Separate Account

Investment Philosophy

Constructing a diversified portfolio containing multiple targeted overweights and underweights across sectors, issuers and credit curves is the most effective method to consistently deliver outperformance while minimizing risk.

Our Value Add

  • Well-established risk management culture has contributed to our track record of delivering strong, risk-adjusted returns across a variety of market conditions
  • The size and scope of our research team permits a bottom-up approach that generates investment ideas across the ratings spectrum and credit curve
  • Portfolios are constructed to generate excess returns from targeted active overweights/underweights with an emphasis on optimal diversification across sectors, issuers and credit curves
  • Integrated risk management process utilizes qualitative and quantitative measures to construct and review portfolios from a risk and volatility perspective

Portfolio Managers

Investing Together

In our experience, it's about yours.

Our teams are empowered to share ideas, challenge perspectives, and take decisive action as we collectively pursue the greatest outcome for our clients.

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