Public Equities

ESG in Equities: Not All Approaches are Created Equal

September 2020 – 36 min listen
Dr. Ghadir Cooper, Global Head of Equities, shares insight into the deliberate approach that her team takes when incorporating ESG into their investment process, including how integration, dynamism and active engagement contribute to better outcomes.

Investors are becoming increasingly aware of the positive changes they can effect on significant global concerns ranging from climate change to human rights. Indeed, in recent years, the question of considering environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors as part of fundamental equity investment analysis has progressed from whether to how. As a growing number of market participants—from consultants and financial advisers to asset managers—incorporate ESG into their decision-making process, asset owners are presented with a wide range of potential options for fulfilling their ESG requirements.

Episode Segments

03:35 – Why Ghadir & team are focused on ESG
07:03 – How investors' ESG demands are changing 
11:35 – The rationale for integrating ESG into fundamental analysis
18:23 – Focusing on dynamic change versus static starting points
24:08 – The case for active engagement over exclusion lists
30:10 – The pandemic and where ESG is headed next

Dr. Ghadir Cooper

Global Head of Equities

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